As you know, I love cookies. And I love colors. And I love giving colorful cookies.
You may think of giving cookies when you're throwing a birthday party or baby shower or celebrating something special. But I also think of cookies when I don't have the words to say.
A friend of mine recently lost someone very dear to her. And my heart hurt for her. I'm not good with words when it comes to tough situations. I have a great shoulder to cry on, but I'm not so eloquent when it comes to saying the best words to comfort. But I know what I can do, I can make cookies. And I know my cookies make people smile. So, when the question came up of what we should do for our friend, I said - I'll make cookies! Now, I know that cookies can't make everything better, but if my cookies provide a smile, even if only for a moment, during a time of grief, then my purpose was accomplished.
So, I hope that these cookies made her smile...because I know I loved decorating them!! Ok, enough of the Debbie Downer are the cookies.
I did a combo of flowers and paisleys. In fun colors, of course.
Yup, you guessed it, these are my favorites.
To this family, I love you guys and hope the cookies brightened your day.
Even in tough situations, think cookies.