Friday, May 21, 2010

So Many Cookies, So Little Time

I have so many new cookie cutters that I'm dying to try out, but then I get an order (or 5) so my ideas get put on the back burner - well, some of them do.  When Bonnie (my sister) orders cookies, I use her as my guinea pig.  She lets me try out new cutters or colors or ideas.  Although sometimes, she's not as excited as I am about the idea - at first.  (She can't see what they look like in my head.)  But I can't say that she's ever been disappointed with the outcome.  Her latest order was no exception.  She wanted cookies for one of her senior accountants, Kristen (if the name sounds familiar, it's because she's one of Sweet B's cookie-holics).  Kristen is a CPA and has just finished her Masters in Accounting (MAcc) from Auburn.  (Which is quite an accomplishment!)  So, Bonnie, being the good boss that she is, wanted to congratulate her, Sweet B's style.  She asked if I would make her some flower cookies with a big flower as the message cookie.  Well, I have a cupcake cutter that I had visions for.  So, I asked if I could make her some of those, too.  I decorated the cupcakes and fell in love with cookies, all over again.  They made me giddy with excitement.  I'm not even kidding.  I was gushing.  I love them. 
Here are pictures, so you can fall in love with them too.
Of course I had to put them in the cupcake dome. It was a given.
I'm kind of glad there wasn't anyone around when I got done icing these.  I might've let out a squeal or 2.
A cupcake shortstack.  Or a cupstack shortcake.  Or a cupshort cakestack.
The flowers to match.  So cute.
And if you know Bonnie, you know she can't just say a generic "Congratulations!", she has to say it with meaning behind it.  Drawing inspiration from my Scrabble tiles, she came up with this acrostic, just for kfaunce (Kristen's nickname) who is a CPA and just earned her MAcc.
So, congratulations Kristen!  You definitely earned some Sweet B's!!

 Kristen's weren't the only cookies I did last week - I did some cupcakes and flowers as a thank you for my neighbor, Kari.  She has been a huge help this past year.  Every Monday, she helped this baker-nanny out by picking up Carlee Anne and taking her to ballet with her twin girls.  So, thanks bunches, Kari!

I also did a new baby cookie jar (I love them!).  Her initials are SEW, but they call her Libby.  Her mom was in labor for quite some time and ended up having a C-section, so she definitely deserved some cookies!!  I hope she enjoyed them!

Woodson and Mercer Anne wanted to wish their teacher, Ms. Katherine farewell with some cookies (or rather Morgan, their mom, did.  Woodson and Mercer Anne can't talk yet).  I was happy to help.
I already got word that Ms. Katherine "LOVED" them and I'm so happy she did!

Now, if you're bored with cookies (which never happens to me!), here's a cake to break the monotony.  Ellie was having a pool party and asked for a cake themed accordingly (with flip-flops, too!).  
Hope Ellie had a splash at her party!

Well, since this post came so late in the week, I've already got pictures of some of this week's orders, but I'm saving those for next week's post!
Until then, I'm happy baking!

PS.  I experimented with neck ties and Star Wars cookies last week (for Father's Day), but you'll have to wait for those pictures too.  (I'm sure the suspense will keep you up at night.)

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